%0 Journal Article %T Wounded: Healing communal wounds: processions and plague in sixteenth-century Mantua %A Marie-Louise Leonard %D 2019 %V %N Spring 2019 %K confraternities %K health offices %K Mantua %K Plague %K premodern public health %K processions %K ritual %X In 1576 a plague epidemic inflicted physical and psychological wounds on the community of Mantua. This article examines the role of processions in healing those wounds and discusses the programme of processions organised by the city’s health office in conjunction with religious groups including Mantua’s confraternities. Processions were staged at various points during the epidemic for different purposes: to celebrate dates on the religious calendar, such as the feast of Corpus Domini, and to reintegrate those cured at the plague hospital to the city. Participation was not limited to those in the processional body; for instance, people quarantined in their homes could watch the event, hear the prayers, and join in by singing. Therefore, processions provided a link between the sick and the healthy and illustrate the collective experience of illness and healing in early modern society. Furthermore, processions with returning convalescents in Mantua illustrate complex attitudes towards the sick poor and their role in healing the city. %Z This article is drawn from the author’s PhD thesis, ‘Plague Epidemics and Public Health in Mantua, 1450–1576’, University Glasgow, 2014 %Z Archivio di Stato di Bologna, Assunteria di Sanità, Bandi Bolognese, carta. 216 %Z Archivio di stato di Mantova (hereafter ASMn.), Archivio Gonzaga (hereafter A.G.), busta (hereafter b.) 2598, carta (hereafter c.) 14 %Z ASMn, A.G., b. 2599, 22 June 1576 %Z ASMn., A.G., b. 2597, c. 240 %Z ASMn., A.G., b. 2597, c. 240 %Z ASMn., A.G., b. 2597, c. 245 %Z ASMn., A.G., b. 2599, 22 June, 1576, Piero Catalano, ‘la più bella, la più divota, la più regolata che mai fusse vista.’ %Z ASMn., b. 2597, c. 260 %Z ASMn., b. 2597, c. 268 %Z ASMn., b. 2597, c. 269 %Z ASMn., b. 2597, c. 269 %Z ASMn., b. 2599, 3 July 1576, Il Catalano %Z ASMn., A.G., b. 2597, c. 227 %Z ASMn., A.G., b. 2597, c. 241 %Z ASMn., A.G., b. 2597, c. 241 %Z ASMn., A.G., b. 2597, c. 241 %Z ASMn., A.G., b. 2599, 18 June 1576, Piero Il Catelano %Z ASMn., A.G., b. 2597, c. 257 %Z ASMn., A.G., b. 2597, c. 339 %Z ASMn., b. 2597, c. 444 %Z ASMn., A.G., b. 2597, c. 471 %I The Science Museum Group %@ 2054-5770 %B eng %U https://journal.sciencemuseum.ac.uk/article/healing-communal-wounds/ %J Science Museum Group Journal