%0 Journal Article %T Festschrift: how do we value artefacts in museum research? %A Helmuth Trischler %D 2020 %V %N Spring 2020 %K Artefacts %K collaborative research %K Deutsches Museum %K museum of science and technology %K public technology %K Robert Bud %K Science Museum %K Tensions of Europe %X Museums of science and technology are well known for their efforts in collecting, preserving and exhibiting material expressions of techno-scientific cultures. Often, however, they have been struggling with their task in advancing historical knowledge production based on object-oriented research. This paper explores the eminent role of Robert Bud, longstanding curator and sometime head of research at the Science Museum in London and dedicated scholar in academic research and teaching, to find new ways to value artefacts in museum research. This reflection looks back on more than a quarter century of personal encounters in order to trace, first his stimulating efforts to develop innovative research questions that interrogate the epistemic quality of artefacts and, second, his enduring impact in fostering international research collaborations and networks. %Z The material turn, or materiality turn, can be understood as a reaction to the discursive turn. It focuses on the role of material objects in human actions and advocates for a blurring of the boundaries between human actors and non-human actants. One of the most prominent representatives of the material turn has been Bruno Latour and his Actor Network Theory (ANT). %Z Boyle and Hagmann, 2017 https://opensi.si.edu/index.php/smithsonian/catalog/book/168 (accessed online on 19 March 2019); from 2009–2016, Martin Collins also served as editor of the journal History and Technology (Routledge). %Z European Parliament, Lisbon European Council, 23 and 24 March 2000: Presidency Conclusions https://www.europarl.europa.eu/summits/lis1_en.htm (accessed 19 March 2019); see also Kohlrauch and Trischler, 2014: 277–280; Wirsching, 2015 %Z See the Making Europe website https://www.makingeurope.eu/books (accessed 16 April 2020). %Z http://www.inventingeurope.eu/ (accessed online on 19 March 2019) %Z http://www.honest2020.eu/ (accessed 19 March 2019) %Z Butler, S and Bud, R, 2016, United Kingdom. Short Country Report http://www.honest2020.eu/sites/default/files/deliverables_24/UK.pdf (accessed 19 March 2019) %I The Science Museum Group %@ 2054-5770 %B eng %U https://journal.sciencemuseum.ac.uk/article/how-do-we-value-artefacts/ %J Science Museum Group Journal