%0 Journal Article %T In conversation: photographic curatorship and photographic cultures in museums and research institutions %A Elizabeth Edwards %A Costanza Caraffa %A Ruth Quinn %D 2024 %V %N Autumn 2024 %K archives %K curation %K digital photography %K photography %X %Z Ann Laura Stoler Along the Archival Grain. Princeton University Press, 2009 %Z Cook, Terry and Joan M Schwartz, ‘Archives, Records, and Power: From (Postmodern) Theory to (Archival) Performance’, in Archival Science: International Journal on Recorded Information, 2 (2), ed. by Terry Cook and Joan M Schwartz, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers 2002, 171–185, here 183–184 %Z Schwartz, Joan M: ‘We Make Our Tools and Our Tools Make Us: Lessons from Photographs for the Practice, Politics, and Poetics of Diplomatics’, in Archivaria, 40, 40–74; Edwards, E, ‘Raw Histories. Photographs, Anthropology and Museums’, Oxford, 2001; Edwards, E and Hart, J (eds), 2004, Photographs Objects Histories. On the Materiality of Images (London/New York: Routledge); Schwartz, Joan M: ‘The Archival Garden. Photographic Plantings, Interpretative Choices, and Alternative Narratives’, in Controlling the Past. Documenting Society and Institutions, edited by Terry Cook, Chicago 2011, 69–110; Edwards, Elizabeth and Christopher Morton (eds), Photographs, Museums, Collections. Between Art and Information, Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2015; Edwards, Elizabeth: ‘Thoughts on the ‘Non-Collections’ of the Archival Ecosystem’, in Photo-Objects. On the Materiality of Photographs and Photo Archives in the Humanities and Sciences, edited by Julia Bärnighausen, Costanza Caraffa, Stefanie Klamm, Franka Schneider and Petra Wodtke, Edition Open Access, Berlin, 2019 %Z Unboxing Photographs %Z Florence Declaration %Z Decolonising the Archive Cambridge Anthropology and Torres Strait Island Kastom %Z What Photographs Do: the making and remaking of museum cultures. (UCL Press 2022). Especially contributions by Ken Jackson and Richard Davis %Z Catalogue: Foto. Buch. Kunst. Umbruch und Neuorientierung in der Buchgestaltung. Österreich 1840-1940 (Vienna, 2019) %I The Science Museum Group %@ 2054-5770 %B eng %U https://journal.sciencemuseum.ac.uk/article/in-conversation-photographic-curatorship-and-photographic-cultures-in-museums-and-research-institutions/ %J Science Museum Group Journal