RT Journal Article T1 In conversation: photographic curatorship and photographic cultures in museums and research institutions A1 Elizabeth Edwards A1 Costanza Caraffa A1 Ruth Quinn YR 2024 VO IS Autumn 2024 K1 archives K1 curation K1 digital photography K1 photography AB NO Ann Laura Stoler Along the Archival Grain. Princeton University Press, 2009 NO Cook, Terry and Joan M Schwartz, ‘Archives, Records, and Power: From (Postmodern) Theory to (Archival) Performance’, in Archival Science: International Journal on Recorded Information, 2 (2), ed. by Terry Cook and Joan M Schwartz, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers 2002, 171–185, here 183–184 NO Schwartz, Joan M: ‘We Make Our Tools and Our Tools Make Us: Lessons from Photographs for the Practice, Politics, and Poetics of Diplomatics’, in Archivaria, 40, 40–74; Edwards, E, ‘Raw Histories. Photographs, Anthropology and Museums’, Oxford, 2001; Edwards, E and Hart, J (eds), 2004, Photographs Objects Histories. On the Materiality of Images (London/New York: Routledge); Schwartz, Joan M: ‘The Archival Garden. Photographic Plantings, Interpretative Choices, and Alternative Narratives’, in Controlling the Past. Documenting Society and Institutions, edited by Terry Cook, Chicago 2011, 69–110; Edwards, Elizabeth and Christopher Morton (eds), Photographs, Museums, Collections. Between Art and Information, Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2015; Edwards, Elizabeth: ‘Thoughts on the ‘Non-Collections’ of the Archival Ecosystem’, in Photo-Objects. On the Materiality of Photographs and Photo Archives in the Humanities and Sciences, edited by Julia Bärnighausen, Costanza Caraffa, Stefanie Klamm, Franka Schneider and Petra Wodtke, Edition Open Access, Berlin, 2019 NO Unboxing Photographs NO Florence Declaration NO Decolonising the Archive Cambridge Anthropology and Torres Strait Island Kastom NO What Photographs Do: the making and remaking of museum cultures. (UCL Press 2022). Especially contributions by Ken Jackson and Richard Davis NO Catalogue: Foto. Buch. Kunst. Umbruch und Neuorientierung in der Buchgestaltung. Österreich 1840-1940 (Vienna, 2019) PB The Science Museum Group SN 2054-5770 LA eng DO 10.15180/242208 UL https://journal.sciencemuseum.ac.uk/article/in-conversation-photographic-curatorship-and-photographic-cultures-in-museums-and-research-institutions/ WT Science Museum Group Journal OL 30