By Doug Millard Cosmonauts: Birth of an Exhibition By Jim Bennett The Science Museum and the Leonardo da Vinci Quincentenary Exhibition of 1952 By Claudio Giorgione The birth of a collection in Milan: from the Leonardo Exhibition of 1939 to the opening of the National Museum of Science and Technology in 1953 By Tilly Blyth Information age? The challenges of displaying information and communication technologies By Katy Bunning, Jen Kavanagh, Kayte McSweeney and Richard Sandell Embedding plurality: exploring participatory practice in the development of a new permanent gallery By Joanne Bartholomew Review: Cabinet of Curiosities: How disability was kept in a box By Alison Boyle and Harry Cliff Curating the collider: using place to engage museum visitors with particle physics By Tim Boon, Merel van der Vaart and Katy Price Oramics to electronica: investigating lay understandings of the history of technology through a participatory project By Peter Morris and Robert Bud Obituary: Frank Greenaway By Alice Cliff Coming home – Bally’s miniature phrenological specimens