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Jessica Bradford

Head of Collections & Principal Curator

Jessica Bradford is Head of Collections and Principal Curator at the Science Museum. Previously, as Keeper of Collections Engagement, she led the engagement strand of the Science Museum Group’s transformational One Collection programme, which is relocating over 300,000 objects to a new home at the National Collections Centre in Wiltshire. As well as reimagining in-person access for researchers, schools and the public, she worked closely with the digital team to enhance access to collections online, through blogs, articles, video and audio. She has provided curatorial direction on projects ranging from exhibitions and galleries, to SMG’s Wikimedia partnership and the augmented reality app, Wonderlab AR.

In addition to roles at the Science Museum, Jessica was co-Head of Public Engagement and Programmes at the History of Science Museum at the University of Oxford in 2021 and Lead Curator of TEDxLondon between 2015 and 2017. She has a degree in Modern History and an MSc in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine

Jessica Bradford

Article Contributions

  • Issue 20 Editorial 18 October 2023