By Helmuth Trischler The research museum – a place of integrated knowledge production By Hannah Redler-Hawes We create the Universe: artists and scientists take on the Big Bang By Juan-Andres Leon Stephen Hawking’s superspace and supergravity blackboard: an iconic artefact in the making By Tilly Blyth and Alison Boyle Theory and every thing: acquiring the office of Professor Stephen Hawking as a resource for history and museology By Tilly Blyth Issue 21 Editorial By Stephen Johnston Jim Bennett (1947–2023): life as a museum practitioner By Harry Parker Book review: The Museum of Other People, by Adam Kuper (London: Profile, 2023) By Michael Pritchard Obituary: John P Ward (29 July 1940–9 April 2023) By Graeme Gooday, Alexander King and Nela Spurna 1876 and All That: the ‘Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus’ as a case study in crowd-sourced international public science By Alison Hess Book review: Curious Devices and Mighty Machines: Exploring Science Museums by Samuel J M M Alberti (Reaktion Books, 2022)