By Ben Russell and Wayne Cocroft Connecting places and collections By Graeme Gooday, Kylea Little, Bernard Musesengwe and Cameron Tailford (Deceased) Energising connections in museum collections By Frank Trentmann Getting to grips with energy: fuel, materiality and daily life By Lynda Nead ‘As snug as a bug in a rug’: post-war housing, homes and coal fires By Harold Wilhite Refrigerating India By Heather Chappells and Hiroki Shin Making Material and Cultural Connections: the fluid meaning of ‘Living Electrically’ in Japan and Canada 1920-1960 By Alice Cliff and Jenny Rinkinen Visualising electricity demand: use and users of a 3D chart from the 1950s By Joanne Entwistle and Don Slater Light as material/lighting as practice: urban lighting and energy By Stuart Butler Networks of knowledge and power: working collaboratively on the HoNESt project By Bill Morrison and Jan Hicks The language of Electricity: Jan Hicks in conversation with Bill Morrison