By Jon Agar History of communications and the Congruence Engine: early thoughts and possibilities By Jason Bate Projecting soldiers’ repair: the ‘Great War’ lantern and the Royal Society of Medicine By Elizabeth Bruton Technologies of Romance: Valentine from a Telegraph Clerk (m) to a Telegraph Clerk (f): the material culture and standards of early electrical telegraphy By Lee Mackinnon Technologies of Romance: Mineralogy: a digital account By Tom Everett Writing sound with a human ear: reconstructing Bell and Blake’s 1874 ear phonautograph By Jean-Francois Fava-Verde A tale of two telegraphs: Cooke and Wheatstone’s differing visions of electric telegraphy By Charlotte Sleigh ‘Not one voice speaking to many’: E C Large, wireless, and science fiction fans in the mid-twentieth century By Iain Logie Baird Capturing the song of the nightingale By Tilly Blyth Information age? The challenges of displaying information and communication technologies