By Alison Hess Book review: Curious Devices and Mighty Machines: Exploring Science Museums by Samuel J M M Alberti (Reaktion Books, 2022) By William Ashworth History of textiles and the Congruence Engine By Lauren Ryall-Waite Review: Living with Machines By Alexandra Rose Science and the City: Introduction By Sarah Wade Editorial By Brenda Malone Rapid Response Collecting and the Irish Abortion Referendum By Alison Boyle Festschrift: of mice and myths: challenges and opportunities of capturing contemporary science in museums By Daniel Belteki A model instrument: the making and the unmaking of a model of the Airy Transit Circle By Gemma Almond Why the anonymous and everyday objects are important: using the Science Museum’s collections to re-write the history of vision aids By Tom Everett Writing sound with a human ear: reconstructing Bell and Blake’s 1874 ear phonautograph