By Graeme Gooday, Alexander King and Nela Spurna 1876 and All That: the ‘Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus’ as a case study in crowd-sourced international public science By Jo Gane Photography and electroplate in 1840s Birmingham By Efram Sera-Shriar Photographic plates and spirit fakes: remembering Harry Price’s investigation of William Hope’s spirit photography at its centenary By Abi Wilson Philanthropy, industry and the city of Manchester: the impact of Sir Joseph Whitworth’s philanthropy on Manchester’s built environment By Alexandra Rose Seismographs at Eskdalemuir Observatory, 1908–1925: tools for rethinking the origins of international cooperation in seismology By Charles Ormrod From Renaissance medals to the Jaguar E-Type car bonnet: mechanised production and the making of luxury goods By Pippi Carty-Hornsby Preserving skills and knowledge in heritage machinery operations By David Bryden Science and the City: Valentine Gottlieb, immigrant engineer of Lambeth: his trade card of c. 1810 unpacked By Emily Rees Koerner Inventor, devoted daughter, or lover? Uncovering the life and work of Victorian naval engineer Henrietta Vansittart (1833–1883) By Ian Blatchford Lyon Playfair: chemist and commissioner, 1818–1858