By Helen Graham and Arran J Rees Congruence Engine in action By Kylea Little, Felicity McWilliams and Ellie Swinbank ‘South Kensington is practically as far away as Paris or Munich’: the making of industrial collections in Edinburgh, Newcastle and Birmingham By Tim Boon Origins and ambitions of the Congruence Engine project By James Mansell, Annie Jamieson and Alexander De Little Staging listening: new methods for engaging audiences with sound in museums By Scott Anthony Editorial By Helmuth Trischler Festschrift: how do we value artefacts in museum research? By Tim Boon Festschrift: Ways of curating: introduction to a mini-festschrift in honour of Robert Bud By Gemma Almond Why the anonymous and everyday objects are important: using the Science Museum’s collections to re-write the history of vision aids By Elizabeth Haines and Anna Woodham Mobilising the Energy in Store: stored collections, enthusiast experts and the ecology of heritage By Geoffrey Belknap Review: what should reviews do in an online journal? Towards a New Format