By Alexandra Rose Seismographs at Eskdalemuir Observatory, 1908–1925: tools for rethinking the origins of international cooperation in seismology By Charles Ormrod From Renaissance medals to the Jaguar E-Type car bonnet: mechanised production and the making of luxury goods By David Bryden Science and the City: Valentine Gottlieb, immigrant engineer of Lambeth: his trade card of c. 1810 unpacked By Alexandra Rose Science and the City: Introduction By Rebekah Higgitt, Jasmine Kilburn-Toppin and Noah Moxham Science and the City: Spaces and geographies of Metropolitan Science By Emily Rees Koerner Inventor, devoted daughter, or lover? Uncovering the life and work of Victorian naval engineer Henrietta Vansittart (1833–1883) By Ian Blatchford Lyon Playfair: chemist and commissioner, 1818–1858 By Johanna Pollick, Emily Poore, Sophie Sexon and Sara Stradal ‘Your body is full of wounds’: references, social contexts and uses of the wounds of Christ in Late Medieval Europe By Jane Desborough and Gloria Clifton Science and the City: The role of women in the science city: London 1650–1800 By Sarah Wade Editorial