By Manon Parry The valuable role of risky histories: exhibiting disability, race and reproduction in medical museums By Katy Barrett, Eleanor Crook, Marc Quinn and Studio Roso Artist interviews – new art for Medicine: The Wellcome Galleries By Helmuth Trischler Festschrift: how do we value artefacts in museum research? By Miriam Dafydd A museum by the people for the people? A review of St Fagans National Museum of History’s new galleries By Helen Langwick Review: Behind the Exhibit: Displaying Science and Technology at the World’s Fairs and Museums in the Twentieth Century By Donata Miller ‘Everything passes, except the past’: reviewing the renovated Royal Museum of Central Africa (RMCA) By Toria Forsyth-Moser Review: More than colours (or why some Austrian school children might not want to eat red Gummy Bears anymore) By Geoffrey Belknap Review: what should reviews do in an online journal? Towards a New Format By Tim Boon, Roger Kneebone, Peter Heering, Klaus Staubermann and Yves Winkin A symposium on histories of use and tacit skills By John Kannenberg Towards a more sonically inclusive museum practice: a new definition of ’the ‘sound object