By Katy Barrett Tacita Dean: LANDSCAPE, PORTRAIT, STILL LIFE By Tom Ritchie Ventriloquised voices: the Science Museum and the Hartree Differential Analyser By Barbara Gribling The Panstereomachia, Madame Tussaud’s and the Heraldic Exhibition: the art and science of displaying the medieval past in nineteenth-century London By Sarah Baines From 2D to 3D: the story of graphene in objects By Elsa Cox, Katarina Grant and Haileigh Robertson Collecting the personal: stories of domestic energy and everyday life at the National Museum of Scotland By Sabine Oetzel ‘The whole exhibition becomes the stage…’ – a journey through time by children for children as a new approach to peer learning By Sarah Kellberg and Christina Newinger Turning energy around: an interactive exhibition experience By Bill Morrison and Jan Hicks The language of Electricity: Jan Hicks in conversation with Bill Morrison By Alice Cliff and Jenny Rinkinen Visualising electricity demand: use and users of a 3D chart from the 1950s By Elizabeth Edwards Location, location: a polemic on photographs and institutional practices